Friday, November 16, 2007

This guy covered Alan?

John and An made him wear the proper costume and greyed his hair, but THIS is how he really sees #9.

(from Allen McC.)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The winners get their prizes!

It was a good round of contests - prizes were promised and awarded last night - here are the acceptees (in no particular order):

Amy White accepted a Bonsai Potato for her father's winning contribution of haikus,

Charles Borland got a collection of Bushisms for his award-winning "What the @%$#*&!?" moment,

and Mark Morettini gleefully accepted his award of a mini-martini set for his stunning Photo of the Week!

Congratulations to all!

Monday, November 12, 2007

One wint'ry day in Windsor...

Jeffrey, Mark, Megan, and Todd just wanted a cuppa Canuk cafe...

But Teddy had other things in mind...

All alone, he waited for his light...

And then the magic began...

Oh Teddy, you saucy lad...

Miss Cheetah, the dreams you can make a young bear dream...

Photo of the week is...

Mark Morettini's composition, retitled, "Why Kidzbop has a curfew..."

Memorable "What the ^&($%?" moments of the week

Runners up include:

Richard's Mickey Mouse voice on Wednesday's "I thought you were all supposed to be convincing, me..."

Kevin's careful reconsideration on "Did or didn't the woman see the kid 12:10, or 10:15, or 12, 10...Didn't she? Or did she?"

Jeffrey's "Don't you think those motives were a bea-...?! Uh,...those beatings were a motive...?"

But the WINNER is Charles' pistachio-impeded, "Not......Not......Not......guilty..."

Congratulations & thank you all for playing!

And the winner is...

I know you were all eagerly awaiting the results of the submissions for our haiku contest.

"The Jury Box gives
shelter from dull downpour of
Dearborn tedium."
- Todd Cerveris

"twelve men in a room
why oh why do they yell so?
oh god, the fighting!"
- Mike DiSalvo

"An unseen bullfrog
plops into the play - Prosky
I'm angry again"
- Richard Thomas

"and I spent two days
writing a detroit haiku
but had the form wrong"
- Allen McCullough

But I think the winner, hands down, if only by dint of volume, is the submission of Amy's dad - a haiku for each and every one of us!

"Hail to Mike Boland
First in all the cast he is,
Juror number one

Who's Todd Cerveris?
Why can't you see so plain, he's
Juror number two

Julian Gamble
A consummate thespian
Juror number three

Juror number four
Needs a special guy, so call
On Jeff Heyenga

Moving on, we see
There, as juror number five,
Great Tom Gebbia

Handsome Charles Borland!
Loud applause for his role as
Juror number six

Number seven is
Lucky for some, such as our
Mark Morettini

Juror number eight
Needs quiet heroism.
It's Richard Thomas!

Then Alan Mandel
We all know is known to all:
Juror number nine

Which juror's next? Ten.
A grade that's top, A +.
Call Kevin Dobson

Eleven’s accent,
Tried and true. It needs a mensch.
Hence, David Lively

Call on Tony Ward;
Fills the bill and jury box
These silly musings

No, wait, it's not done!
We need a Mike Disilva
To get in and out

Jeff, Dave, Alan too
Relax, you're backed really well:
Stephen Bradbury

Our Benim Foster
Understudy exemplar
But are four enough?

Allen McCullough
One, three nine and ten and guard
We think that’s enough.

Old pro calling shows,
John Galo does it better
The trick? Cast and crew.

Lovely Megan Schneid,
Is now winning life's roulette
With lucky seven

Ah, now, An Trimble
Keep us in stitches, betimes,
'Though you're short an "N."

This light never fails:
Ger Sweitzer is now plugged in
See him for limelight

Eh? What's that you said?
If you're not hearing quite right
Call Timmy Schmidt fast

Gardiner Frascia,
Listen now, it's up to you -
Keep jury box full!

Who needs a mascot?
Angry men, to soothe.
Norman fills the bill

Can Reginald Rose
E're top this magnum opus?
Of course not. He's dead.

Scott Ellis is tops
At telling us what to do
At least he thinks so

'Get on the bus now!’
Exasperation showing,
Amy taps her foot.

Detroit, Michigan
One more week, then we all go
On a break. Thank God."

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Angry Quote of the Day

From Richard:

"Detroit is like Cleveland without the glitter." - Anonymous.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

From Morettini

Who knew "flershin" was a word?

This way madness lies

"You people bore me"

Gardner prepares for his piercing

Jury Box carnage

Some men were meant not to dance

"Beer? Beer? What is this thing you speak of?"

Friday, November 2, 2007

Mark's assessment

D deserted
E empty
T tired
R resistant
O ominous
I involuntary
T tepid

Photos from Amy

Corrupting influences ...

Few people know Howard Hughes had a co-pilot...

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Bus Hair?

Tony's take on Bus Hair.

Our first Detroit car fire!!!

Even Norman shows the wear of Travel Day!

Travel Day - Pittsburgh to Detroit

Richard's Krispy Kreme run... Jeffrey actually timed him!

Travel Day Tragedy!

Mysterious orb sighted in Genoa, Ohio

Monday, October 29, 2007

From Morettini

Boland, pulling a little Atti-mandell-tude to a waiter.

Please, Kevin....don't push me over!!

As if she didn't have enough wild animals to handle...

photo by Allen McC.

Groovonimous art installation video

shot by Allen McCullough

Thursday, October 25, 2007

I present to you - the newest Edna Turnblad...

From one angry man to one hot lady!

Hello from Michael McEowen

Hey 12 Angriest! and Megan, the least Angry.

MMSM from Des Moines with Camelsnot! Sitting in my little office watching the lava lamp perambulating, while waiting for the backstage tour I am doing this afternoon, just before the mini-put in for a poorly cast Merlyn. Should be a fine time. Nice house for a barn, nice hotel down the street that is in the midst of renovation. Des Moines downtown is dead! The other day I counted 12 people on the "busy" intersection downtown.

Lou Diamond Phillips is our headliner. Not a great singer, but does well in the talk-sing role and provides a great deal of energy onstage. A big poker player, buys a lot of drinks and is fun to be around, what could be finer? I think, no I know that our show gets much darker than your show, even when your storm comes! The other night, the calling SM disappeared in the dry ice fog! The hose didn't get placed correctly and he got fogged! We held the curtain for a tornado in Louisville last week, very exciting!

Wish I were still with the Angry Men, but it all came down to the almighty dollar and some perks that were worth a few more Washingtons. E. Lansing next, then Buffalo, Turkey Day in Cincy,(some of the cooking provided by Lou), then Hershey before a 6 week lay off.
(I think the show may close after that, but no one is saying that outloud, yet).

MMSM, down the road.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

God Bless Our Boland

Mike Boland defending the Alamo against the women and children who storm it every day in downtown San Antonio. Actually, Mike was surprised to find out that the Alamo was NOT where David Bowie recorded his albums, but where Jim Bowie defended the former mission and lost his life to General Santa Anna's army. Now it all makes sense to him.

San Antonio recap by Allen

They put their mark on San Antonio...

And then enjoyed a restful day off..

Napping on the plane...

Coming in over Pittsburgh...

Sunday, October 21, 2007

From Michael McEowen

Hey all:

Wish that I had not been sucessfully wined and dined by the Camelot folk. This one is not as fun as that one!


Photo post from Allen

Why is this man smiling?

Now you see them...

Now you don't...

From Allen McC.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Twelve Angry Hombres

Who knew there was a Mexican wrestling duo whose act so closely mirrors our own little contretemps?

Settling Into San Antonio

A pensive Number 10

Oh yeah, 'The Alamo'... Forgot the name for a second

We took a trip to the Alamo. Nice place. I can see why they fought so hard to keep it. There's this really cool gift shop next door that it must have killed them to lose.

Of course, had "Delta Force Borland" been there, the outcome might have been different...

The "9 Walk"

Mark Morettini has kindly given a masterclass in the art of perambulation as practiced by a senior member of the cast...

Some shots from last year from David

>> Subject: Some shots from last year
A Lively Contribution